SnapShooter + Hatch
SnapShooter has officially jointed the hatch program August 2018. It's taken us a while to make this information public. Since joining the program, we have been pedal to the metal with DigitalOcean working on secret which we can't wait to announce in 2020.
How has Hatch Helped us?
One of the most tangible things it's allowed us to expand out infrastructure beyond what would be truly necessary to enable us to provide better server redundancy and thus better backup reliability. Its enabled us to use new services like DigitalOceans managed MySQL database, which gives us pease of mind and has removed the debate of using something like AWS RDS with the negatives of ~2ms of delay per query. We get 0.52ms of delay now.
However helping with servers is one thing. The best thing we have formed is relationships. As you can imagine we are very dependant on DigitalOceans continuous support of our product, and while we have always been able to get on contact with the correct people when needed, we now have a much better and direct form of communications with a excellent communications manager Amanda Gaynor who has been amazing!
DigitalOcean Amanda