Compliance & Accreditations
Learn how SnapShooter keeps it self up to date and secure

We are committed to providing you with the highest level of security, privacy and standards compliance, this is why SnapShooter undergoes several independent and internationally recognised audits and accreditations on a regular basis
Our ISO 27001:2013, 22301:2019 and 9001:2015 certificated are issued by IsoAssured. At the current time we are not seeking to get our certificated validated by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) as the cost of an audit is cost prohibitive, however we ensure we are in a Audit ready status and when the time is right will upgrade.
All staff undergo strike training, and criminal record checks. Only a limited number of staff are allowed to get closed to customers backups, you can learn more in our security documentation.
ISO 27001:2013 - Information Security
ISO 22301:2019 - Business Continuity
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management
Cyber Essentials - Certificate of Assurance
Our certificated expire in 2025, however we still undergo an annual surveillance audit to keep them valid. This document can be shared if customers if required, an NDA will be required.