List Droplets #
URL Parameters
string name (optional)
Filter droplets by name.
string host (optional)
Filter droplets by host (IP).
string status (optional)
Filter droplets by status. Must be one of the following: destroyed, inactive, paused, running, active..
string sort (optional)
Parameter to sort by. Must be one of the following: id, name, host, size, created_at. Default direction is ascending, to request a descending order you can prefix the parameter value with a dash: sort=-size.
datetime modified_since (optional)
Filter droplets that have only been modified after the given date time.
integer page_size (optional)
Amount of results to display per page. Must be betwen 15 and 100.
GET /v1/digitalocean/droplets
curl \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 200{ "data": [ { "id": 1056117, "name": "Production Site", "host": "", "account": "snapshooter", "estimated_cost": "$1.06/month", "status": "active", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 24, "retention": { "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T14:09:46.000000Z" }, { "id": 828841845, "name": "Staging Env", "host": "", "account": "snapshooter", "estimated_cost": "$0.76/month", "status": "paused", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 12, "retention": { "hourly": 3, "daily": 0, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T13:09:46.000000Z" } ], "links": { }, "meta": { },}
Show Droplet #
URL Parameters
This endpoint does not accept any parametersGET /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}
curl{droplet_id} \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 200{ "data": { "id": 1164156231, "name": "Production Site", "host": "", "account": "snapshooter", "estimated_cost": "$9.96/month", "status": "running", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 24, "retention": { "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T16:02:17.000000Z", "snapshots": [ { "id": 1, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 92, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 0, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0, }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T16:04:56.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T16:04:56.000000Z" }, { "id": 2, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 74, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 1, "monthly": 1 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T16:04:56.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T16:04:56.000000Z" } ] }}
Update Droplet Snapshots #
integer frequency (optional)
Frequency (in hours) in which a snapshot of your Droplet should be taken. Depending on your plan you could access more frequent snapshot intervals.
array retention (optional)
Define snapshot retention configuration based on a hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis.
string timezone (optional)
Timezone in which your snapshots should run.
integer run_offset (optional)
Number of hours to offset from your Timezone's 00:00 to perform a Droplet snapshot.
string|null secondary_region (optional)
When null provided, remove the associated Secondary Region from your Droplet's snapshots. If string provided, update the associated Secondary Region to which Droplet's snapshots should be transferred.
PATCH /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}
curl{droplet_id} \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Activate Droplet Snapshots #
integer frequency required
Frequency (in hours) in which a snapshot of your Droplet should be taken. Depending on your plan you could access more frequent snapshot intervals.
array retention required
Define snapshot retention configuration based on a hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis.
string timezone required
Timezone in which your snapshots should run.
integer run_offset (optional)
Number of hours to offset from your Timezone's 00:00 to perform a Droplet snapshot.
string secondary_region (optional) required
When provided, associate a Secondary Region to which Droplet's snapshots should be transferred.
PATCH /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/activate
curl{droplet_id}/activate \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Pause Droplet Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/pause
curl{droplet_id}/pause \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Resume Droplet Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/resume
curl{droplet_id}/resume \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Deactivate Droplet Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/deactivate
curl{droplet_id}/deactivate \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
List Droplet Snapshots #
URL Parameters
string status (optional)
Filter Droplet Snapshots by status. Must be one of the following: failed, in-progress, completed, transferring, expired.
array tags (optional)
Filter Droplet Snapshots by tags. May map any of the following as keys with a boolean value (for inclusion or exclusion): manual, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.
string sort (optional)
Parameter to sort by. Must be one of the following: id, name, size, started_at, completed_at. Default direction is ascending, to request a descending order you can prefix the parameter value with a dash: sort=-size.
datetime started_since (optional)
Filter droplet snapshots that have been started after the given date time.
datetime completed_since (optional)
Filter droplet snapshots that have been completed after the given date time.
integer page_size (optional)
Amount of results to display per page. Must be betwen 15 and 100.
GET /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/snapshots
curl{droplet_id}/snapshots \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 200{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "...", "status": "expired", "size": 93, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 2, "name": "...", "status": "failed", "size": 95, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 1, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 3, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 55, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 4, "name": "...", "status": "transferring", "size": 82, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" } { "id": 5, "name": "...", "status": "in-progress", "size": 11, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" } ], "links": { }, "meta": { }}
Start Manual Droplet Snapshot #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPOST /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/snapshots/manual
curl{droplet_id}/snapshots/manual \ -X POST \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Delete Droplet Snapshot #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersDELETE /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id}
curl{droplet_id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} \ -X DELETE \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Delete All Droplet Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersDELETE /v1/digitalocean/droplets/{droplet_id}/snapshots
curl{droplet_id}/snapshots \ -X DELETE \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
List Volumes #
URL Parameters
string name (optional)
Filter volumes by name.
string status (optional)
Filter volumes by status. Must be one of the following: destroyed, inactive, paused, running, active.
string sort (optional)
Parameter to sort by. Must be one of the following: id, name, size, created_at. Default direction is ascending, to request a descending order you can prefix the parameter value with a dash: sort=-size.
datetime modified_since (optional)
Filter volumes that have only been modified after the given date time.
integer page_size (optional)
Amount of results to display per page. Must be betwen 15 and 100.
GET /v1/digitalocean/volumes
curl \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 200{ "data": [ { "id": "a790b144-678d-41e9-90b8-908750efc4f7", "name": "CDN", "account": "snapshooter", "estimated_cost": "$5.00/month", "status": "active", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 24, "retention": { "daily": 3, "weekly": 1, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T14:31:22.000000Z" }, { "id": "136acfec-4a0f-4db7-ab43-f293c69a2be1", "name": "World Domination Files", "account": "snapshooter", "status": "destroyed", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 24, "retention": { "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T13:31:22.000000Z" } ], "links": { }, "meta": { }}
Show Volume #
URL Parameters
This endpoint does not accept any parametersGET /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}
curl{volume_id} \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 200{ "data": { "id": "8ccb5712-711b-4a21-b02e-8e9bd815857f", "name": "SCP Files", "account": "snapshooter", "estimated_cost": "$10.92/month", "status": "inactive", "size": "s-1vcpu-1gb", "location": "London 1", "timezone": "UTC", "run_offset": 0, "frequency": 24, "retention": { "daily": 5, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "created_at": "2022-10-10T16:09:25.000000Z", "snapshots": [ { "id": 1, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 91, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 0, "weekly": 1, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T16:09:25.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T16:09:25.000000Z" } { "id": 2, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 91, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T16:09:25.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T16:09:25.000000Z" } ] }}
Update Volume Snapshots #
integer frequency (optional)
Frequency (in hours) in which a snapshot of your Droplet should be taken. Depending on your plan you could access more frequent snapshot intervals.
array retention (optional)
Define snapshot retention configuration based on a hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis.
string timezone (optional)
Timezone in which your snapshots should run.
integer run_offset (optional)
Number of hours to offset from your Timezone's 00:00 to perform a Droplet snapshot.
PATCH /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}
curl{volume_id} \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Activate Volume Snapshots #
integer frequency required
Frequency (in hours) in which a snapshot of your Droplet should be taken. Depending on your plan you could access more frequent snapshot intervals.
array retention required
Define snapshot retention configuration based on a hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis.
string timezone required
Timezone in which your snapshots should run.
integer run_offset (optional)
Number of hours to offset from your Timezone's 00:00 to perform a Volume snapshot.
PATCH /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/activate
curl{volume_id}/activate \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Pause Volume Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/pause
curl{volume_id}/pause \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Resume Volume Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/resume
curl{volume_id}/resume \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Deactivate Volume Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPATCH /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/deactivate
curl{volume_id}/deactivate \ -X PATCH \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
List Volume Snapshots #
URL Parameters
string status (optional)
Filter Volume Snapshots by status. Must be one of the following: failed, in-progress, completed, transferring, expired.
array tags (optional)
Filter Volume Snapshots by tags. May map any of the following as keys with a boolean value (for inclusion or exclusion): manual, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.
string sort (optional)
Parameter to sort by. Must be one of the following: id, name, size, started_at, completed_at. Default direction is ascending, to request a descending order you can prefix the parameter value with a dash: sort=-size.
datetime started_since (optional)
Filter volume snapshots that have been started after the given date time.
datetime completed_since (optional)
Filter volume snapshots that have been completed after the given date time.
integer page_size (optional)
Amount of results to display per page. Must be betwen 15 and 100.
GET /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/snapshots
curl{volume_id}/snapshots \ -X GET \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \
HTTP/2 200{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "...", "status": "expired", "size": 93, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 2, "name": "...", "status": "failed", "size": 95, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 1, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 3, "name": "...", "status": "completed", "size": 55, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" }, { "id": 4, "name": "...", "status": "transferring", "size": 82, "tags": { "manual": 0, "hourly": 0, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" } { "id": 5, "name": "...", "status": "in-progress", "size": 11, "tags": { "manual": 1, "hourly": 1, "daily": 1, "weekly": 0, "monthly": 0 }, "started_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z", "completed_at": "2022-10-10T17:45:04.000000Z" } ], "links": { }, "meta": { }}
Start Manual Volume Snapshot #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersPOST /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/snapshots/manual
curl{volume_id}/snapshots/manual \ -X POST \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Delete Volume Snapshot #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersDELETE /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id}
curl{volume_id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} \ -X DELETE \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Delete All Volume Snapshots #
This endpoint does not accept any parametersDELETE /v1/digitalocean/volumes/{volume_id}/snapshots
curl{volume_id}/snapshots \ -X DELETE \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 204//Empty Response Body
Thank you for helping us improve!