Backup Solutions (Recipes)

SnapShooter has a concept of a backup solution (previously called recipes) when creating a backup job you can select from the list of premade solutions, ranging from file backups to MySQL databases. Each solution offers a standardized way to configure and run a backup.

(This is why we are able to add new backups easily for customers)

Each solution will have the following key data: requirements, platform, config.


A list of Linux commands that need to be installed on the server for the backup to function e.g. curl, mysqldump.


Which compute platform does the backup run on. Customers own servers, or SnapShooters compute.


Each backup solution requires config to run, this could be a path for backups or a MySQL password. Each config variable is defined with a key, label, type, rules, a default and help text.

The rules you will note are validation rules based on Laravels request validation.

List Backup Solutions #

URL Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters
curl \
-X GET \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
HTTP/2 200
"data": [
"slug": "mysql-single",
"name": "MySQL (Single Databases)",
"description": "Backup a single MySQL database to your external storage",
"private": false,
"requirements": [
"available_images": {
"snapshooter/mysql-client": "snapshooter/mysql-client"
"default_image": "snapshooter/mysql-client",
"platform": {
"own_server": true,
"snapshooter": true
"config": {
"mysql_username": {
"label": "MySQL Username",
"type": "text",
"rules": [
"default": null,
"help": null
"mysql_password": {
"label": "MySQL Password",
"type": "password",
"rules": [
"default": null,
"help": null
"mysql_host": {
"label": "MySQL Host",
"type": "text",
"rules": [
"default": "",
"help": null
"mysql_port": {
"label": "MySQL Port",
"type": "Number",
"rules": [
"default": null,
"help": null
"mysql_database": {
"label": "MySQL Database",
"type": "text",
"rules": [
"default": null,
"help": null
"mysql_flags": {
"label": "MySQL Custom Flags",
"type": "text",
"rules": [
"default": "--single-transaction --compress",
"help": "Custom mysqldump flags if required"
"compression_level": {
"label": "Compression Level",
"type": "number",
"rules": [
"default": 6,
"help": null
"links": {
"meta": {



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