How to Backup your Laravel Vapor MySQL RDS Database


Laravel Vapor is a service for hosting your Laravel Applications using AWS serverless lambdas, it's a fantastic option for hosting your laravel applications without the issues of server maintenance, scaling and security.

RDS has backup options built in which can be a great way for restoring a backup for example in the last 3 days, but if you want to restore a database without swapping a new database in, or you want to achieve backups that go back months, look no further.

Setting up a Jump Box

If you already have a jump box you can skip this step

  • In vapor open the correct team and from the left menu select Network

  • Under jump boxes press the button to create a Jump Box

  • Give it a name e.g. SnapShooter

  • Copy the Private Key

  • On your local machine create a file in '~/.ssh/snapshooter' and paste the content of the vapor output

  • run the command chmod 600 ~/.ssh/snapshooter or the key will not work

  • SSH into your box ssh ec2-user@ip -i ~/.ssh/snapshooter

SSH into Box

From within the box, you are ready to connect to SnapShooter.

  • Login to your SnapShooter account and from the menu on the left select servers.

  • Press the Connect Server + button

  • Paste the bash into the jump box shell

  • Watch SnapShooter Connect

Configure Backup Job

SnapShooter dashboard will have redirected you to a server overview page where you can configure a new backup.

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