Native Snapshots/Backups

What is a native backup?

At SnapShooter, we refer to a native backup as a backup that happens through your cloud provider directly on your server.

They have different names; in DigitalOcean they are called Snapshots, in AWS they are called AMIs (Amazon Machine Images).

SnapShooter performs these backups on your behalf by taking advantage of your providers' API to request backups. We then manage the lifecycle of these backups. Using this method, you can take more frequent backups and have better control of the lifecycles.

What platforms do you support?

We support the following providers for native backups. In addition to those, we also have a file backup option that works with any provider if required.

Where are Snapshots / Backups stored?

Your native backups are stored with your provider. You will pay the fees associated with the storage directly to the provider.

Native backups will be stored in the same datacenter that your server is located.


  • DigitalOcean droplet in FRA, snapshots will be stored in the FRA DigitalOcean datacenter

  • AWS server in Ireland, AMI images will be stored in the Ireland AWS datacenter

  • Hetzner server in germany, snapshot will be stored in Hetzner german datacenter

You will need to contact your provider directly if you have any questions about how they handle backups.

Will you support my provider?

We aim to add more providers as demand dictates. If you wish to see your hosting platform offer better backups using their native backup offers, please email us and let us know.

Do you support Linode?

We currently have no plans to add Linode with their native backup offering as they limit it to a single backup, which makes it less than ideal for customers. We recommend using our file backups instead.

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