Backup sanity
Table Of Contents
Due to the nature of the sanity back up requiring a local copy of sanity CLI and studio setup, we have released Sanity as a serverless backup only option, you can decide between our AWS serverless network or our global serverless network.
To connect to your sanity studio dataset we require an API key. This can be a read-only or a read-and-write key. If you want to use our automated restore system when something goes wrong you will need a key with write permissions, you can always provide this just before restoring. You will always be free to download the dataset and restore it yourself using your own key, and thus not provide SnapShooter with a write access key.
To go
Click on your product
copy Product ID
Click on the Datasets tab
Note down the title of your dataset
Click API Tab
Add API Token
Name it e.g. SnapShooter Backups
Set permissions to Viewer or Editor
Copy API Key
If you do not copy the API key when shown you will not be shown again and will have to recreate it, Sanity should email you confirmation that an API key was generated.
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